
陈昌盛 副教授

  • 办公室:深圳市南山区永利集团致信楼N802
  • 导师类别:硕士生导师
  • E-mail:cschen@szu.edu.cn
  • 办公电话:


陈昌盛  Dr. Changsheng Chen


IEEE Senior MemberCCF高级会员、CSIG高级会员。

联系方式 (Contact):

Email: cschen@szu.edu.cn


简介 (Biography):

陈昌盛于2008年获得中山大学软件工程学士学位,2013年获得新加坡南洋理工大学电子与电气工程系博士学位,2013-2015年于香港科技大学电子与计算机工程系从事博士后研究。20164月开始担任永利集团信息工程学院助理教授。20213月晋升为副教授。他近五年带领团队从事多媒体安全的基础研究。在 IEEE Trans. 系列汇刊共发表高水平学术论文 15 篇,主持国家自然科学基金 2 项、广东省自然科学基金 2 项,参与 NSFC-企业创新联合基金重点项目 1 项、国家重点研发计划 1 项、广东省重点领域研发计划网络信息安全重点专项课题 1 项。获得授权中国专利 12 项。2022 年获得教育部优秀成果奖(科学技术)自然科学奖-二等奖(本人排名 3/5),2021 2022 年连续两度获得深圳市科学技术协会颁发的优秀科技学术论文奖。同时,注重研发技术的产业化,2022 年获 CCF-阿里巴巴创新研究计划青年科学基金资助,与阿里巴巴安全部合作开展相关应用合作开发。

研究兴趣 (Research Interests):


·Document Image, Multimedia Forensics and Security, Image Processing, Pattern Recognition, and Machine Learning.

研究生与博士后招生 (Recruitment):


主讲课程(Teaching Courses):



主要学术兼职 (Academic Service):

·IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia等国际刊物审稿人。



科研项目 (Research Projects):


·国家自然科学基金 -面上项目,对抗场景下基于失真模型的翻拍文档图像取证技术(2021.01-2024.12)62072313 56 万元

·中国计算机学会, CCF-阿里巴巴创新研究计划青年科学基金, CCF-ALIBABA OF 20220204, 基于失真模型和域泛化网络的屏幕翻拍、翻录检测方法, 2022-08 2023-07, 30万元, 在研, 主持









1. Changsheng Chen, Bokang Li, Rizhao Cai*, Jishen Zeng and Jiwu Huang, “Distortion Model based Spectral Augmentation for Generalized Recaptured Document Detection”, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, Accepted Nov. 2023 (一作,1区,CCF A)

2. Changsheng Chen*, Shuzheng Zhang, Fengbo Lan and Jiwu Huang, “Domain-agnostic Document Authentication against Practical Recapturing Attacks,” IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 17, pp.2890-2905, 2022 (一作,1区,CCF A)

3. Zhaoxu Hu, Changsheng Chen*, Wai Ho Mow and Jiwu Huang, “Document Recapture Detection based on a Unified Distortion Model of Halftone Cells,” IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 17, pp. 2800-2815, 2022. (通信,1区,CCF A

4. Changsheng Chen, Lin Zhao, Jiabin Yan and Haodong Li*, “A Distortion Model-based Pre-screening Method for Document Image Tampering Localization under Recapturing Attack,” Signal Processing, vol. 200, p. 108666, 2022. (一作,2区)

5. Yu Song and Changsheng Chen*, “MPPCANet: A Feedforward Learning Strategy for Few-shot Image Classification,” Pattern Recognition, vol. 113, p. 107792, 2021. (通信,1区)

6. Lin Zhao, Changsheng Chen*, Jiwu Huang, Deep Learning-based Forgery Attack on Document Images, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Accepted Aug-2021(通信,1区,CCF AIF=10.856

7. Ning Xie, Junjie Chen, Yicong Chen, Ji Hu, Qiqi Zhang, Changsheng Chen*, Lei Huang, Detection of Information Hiding at Anti-Copying 2D Barcodes, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Accepted Feb-2021(通信,2区,CCF BIF=4.685

8. Ning Xie, Qiqi Zhang, Yicong Chen, Ji Hu, Gang Luo and Changsheng Chen*, “Low-Cost Anti-Copying 2D Barcode by Exploiting Channel Noise Characteristics”, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, Accepted Oct-2020 (通信,1区,CCF BIF=6.051

9. Rizhao Cai, Haoliang Li, Shiqi Wang, Changsheng Chen and Alex C. Kot, “DRL-FAS: A Novel Framework Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning for Face Anti-Spoofing”, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, Accepted, Sep. 2020 1区,CCF AIF=6.013

10. Wenyun Sun, Yu Song, Changsheng Chen*, Jiwu Huang and Alex C. Kot, “Face Spoofing Detection Based on Local Ternary Label Supervision in Fully Convolutional Networks,”  IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, Accepted, Mar. 2020 (通信,大类1区,CCF AIF=6.013

11. Changsheng Chen*, Mulin Li, Anselmo Ferreira, Jiwu Huang, Rizhao Cai, “A Copy-Proof Scheme based on the Spectral and Spatial Barcoding Channel Models”,  IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 15, Dec. 2020, (一作,大类1区,CCF AIF=6.013

12. Yu Song, Changsheng Chen*, MPPCANet: A Feedforward Learning Strategy for Few-shot Image Classfication, Pattern Recognition, Accepted, Dec. 2020(通信,大类2区,CCF BIF=7.196

13. Wenyun Sun, Yu Song, Zhong Jin, Haitao Zhao, Changsheng Chen*, “Unsupervised Orthogonal Facial Representation Extraction via image reconstruction with correlation minimization”,  NeuroComputing, vol. 337, pp. 203-217, Apr. 2019 (通信,大类2区,IF=4.438

14. Lin Zhang, Changsheng Chen*, Wai Ho Mow, “Accurate Modelling and Efficient Estimation of the Print-Capture Channel with Application in Barcoding”,  IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 464-478, Jan. 2019.  (通信,大类1区,CCF AIF=9.340

15. Changsheng Chen*, Wenjian Huang, Lin Zhang, Wai Ho Mow, “Robust and Unobtrusive Display-to-Camera Communications via Blue Channel Embedding,”  IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 156-169, Jan. 2019. (共同一作+通信,大类1区,CCF AIF=9.340

16. Changsheng Chen*, Baojian Zhou and Wai Ho Mow, “RA Code: a Robust and Aesthetic Code for Resolution-Constrained Applications,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology,  vol. 28, no. 11, pp. 3300-3312, Nov. 2018. (一作,大类2区,CCF BIF=4.046

17. Ning Xie,Changsheng Chen*and Ming Zhong, “Security Model of Authentication at the Physical Layer and Performance Analysis over Fading Channels,” IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing. Accepted 2018. (通信,小类1区,CCF AIF=6.864

18. Ning Xie and Changsheng Chen*, “Slope Authentication at the Physical Layer,” IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 13, no. 6, pp. 1579-1594, Jun. 2018. (通信,大类1区,CCF AIF=6.211

19. Changsheng Chen*, “QR Code Authentication with Embedded Message Authentication Code,” Mobile Networks and Applications, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 383-394, Jul. 2017. (一作,小类2区,IF=2.497

20. Changsheng Chen, Wenjian Huang, Baojian Zhou, Chenchen Liu and Wai Ho Mow, “PiCode: A New Picture-Embedding 2D Barcode,” IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 25, no. 8, pp. 3444-3458, Aug. 2016. (一作,大类2区,CCF AIF=4.828