邀请人: 陈昌盛助理教授
Nowadays, flash memory-based storage systems are widely used in mobile phones, personal computers and other systems. Although flash memory has the advantages of shock resistance, non-volatility and high access performance, its cost is still high, which hinders the use of full-flash memory systems. In order to reduce market costs, a large number of high-density flash memories are studied and developed, such as triple-level per cell (TLC) flash memory and 3D NAND flash memory. This, however, causes worse data reliability. In order to relieve reliability problem caused by technology scaling, LDPC codes have been widely applied to provide high error correction capability. However, the increased error correction capability has to trade with high read latency, which largely decreases read performance of SSDs. This report introduces several novel techniques to optimize this problem.
香港城市大学和华中科技大学联合培养博士生。2009年及2012年于湘潭大学数学系分别获得学士及硕士学位。于2012年考入华中科技大学计算机学院金海教授团队攻读博士学位,师从邹德清教授。2013年赴香港城市大学电脑科学系攻读博士学位,师从薛春副教授。于博士期间获得国家奖学金、Peter Ho会议奖学金以及优秀班干部等多项奖励。曾作为演讲人参加DAC’17和MSST’17会议并参与多个会议和期刊的审稿工作,如ICPP’17、DATE’15、CODES+ISSS’14、DAC’14和Optics Letters等。研究方向包括闪存存储系统性能优化、编码理论和算法、压缩感知理论和算法以及超分辨显微镜图像重建等。参与发表十余篇会议论文如MSST和期刊论文如optics express等。